Top "Credentials" questions

Credentials in information systems are widely used to control access to information or other resources.

Protect string constant against reverse-engineering

I have android application that has hard coded (static string constants) credentials (user/pass) for sending emails via SMTP. The …

java android security reverse-engineering credentials
Google Drive/OAuth - Can't figure out how to get re-usable GoogleCredentials

I've successfully installed and run the Google Drive Quick Start application called DriveCommandLine. I've also adapted it a little to …

google-drive-api credentials
Is it possible to store credentials for automatic Team Foundation Server login?

Is it possible to store the credentials that I use to connect to my Team Foundation Server directly in Visual …

visual-studio visual-studio-2010 tfs credentials
How do I pass credentials to a machine so I can use Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey() on it?

This .NET API works OK if I'm trying to open the Registry in a machine that's in the same domain …

c# .net registry credentials remote-access
AWS credentials not working - ~/.aws/credentials

I'm having a problem with my AWS credentials. I used the credentials file that I created on ~/.aws/credentials just …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 credentials amazon-elastic-transcoder
Jenkins & caching of SVN Credentials

Like a lot of people I am banging my head (again) against Jenkins and the subversion plugin. Authenication through the …

svn jenkins credentials svnkit
How can I run an Azure powershell cmdlet through a proxy server with credentials?

When I run the following Powershell cmdlet (from the Azure Management Tools Snapin): get-osversions -subscriptionId **** -certificate (get-item cert:\CurrentUser\MY\******) …

powershell azure credentials proxy-server http-status-code-407
How to prompt user for manual parameters when running build in Team City?

Say you make an automatic deploy script in TeamCity. The script uses SSH for connection to the prod-environment. I do …

deployment teamcity credentials prompt manual
C# .net MVC, set path to Google Application Credentials JSON file

I've just got this Google Sample Project to work on my VS2015, However, after I published to "IIS" and host …

c# json credentials
Credentials do not work for "docker login"

Copy/pasting my username and password into the Docker Hub website works fine. The password is long, but does not …

docker authentication credentials unauthorized