Top "Credentials" questions

Credentials in information systems are widely used to control access to information or other resources.

SharePoint caches incorrect credentials

Every morning when i fire up my VM and IE (in my host OS) and go to my SP site …

sharepoint credentials
ChannelFactory Credentials + object is read only

Greetings, what is the problem that when I try to set credentials for my factory as follows: ChannelFactory<IWCFSeekService&…

wcf credentials channelfactory
Executing a scriptblock via startprocess

Would any of you possibly know why this is not working? Start-Process $PSHOME\powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-NoExit -Command & `"{$outvar1 = 4+4; `"…

powershell powershell-2.0 credentials start-process
Set credentials on an Android Webview using secured HTTPS connection

I would like to create an Android Webview that connects to a website via a secured HTTPS connection with the …

java android https webview credentials
Where's the encryption key stored in Jenkins?

I am trying to migrate the credentials from one Jenkins to another but usernames/passwords are hashed in ${JENKINS_HOME}/…

encryption jenkins migration credentials
Pass Credentials to WMI Call in VBScript

I have VBScript inside a HTA getting the ping status from a local WMI call.. I also have a function …

vbscript wmi credentials hta
WCF NetTcpBinding Security - how does it work?

I am encountering the following problems trying to work through the quagmire of settings in WCF... I created a WCF …

wcf security credentials binding nettcpbinding
Where to store database credentials in a web app?

I'm wondering what techniques you use to store the database credentials for your application. I'm specifically concerned with java webapps, …

database security web-applications credentials
Relay access denied 5.7.1

I've got the error "Relay access denied", but I can connect my account with some email programs. My code: SmtpClient …

c# sendmail credentials
How to save user log-in state in Android?

I'm trying to build an app with a login module. I want to save the user login state so that …

android login sharedpreferences credentials