Top "Configure" questions

A Configure script is an executable script designed to aid in developing a program to be run on a wide number of different computers.

common.gypi not found error in node.js

I am trying to "node-gyp configure" to try to get the ms sql server driver. However, initially it said binding.…

node.js configure
Verbose cmake: How to get more diagnostics?

I am getting some strange error from cmake : loading initial cache file ../../Tweaks/compiler-rt/arm.txt -- Performing Test COMPILER_…

build cmake configure infrastructure verbose
change eclipse shortcuts to match Visual Studio

Is there a way to change keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse to match those in Visual Studio 2010? I am a C# …

visual-studio eclipse keyboard-shortcuts configure
Configuring HTML Tidy to indent tags and nothing else in Notepad++

All I want HTMLTidy to do is indent my HTML document's tags, but it currently also changes the doctype, adds …

html notepad++ configure tidy
How to set a define through "./configure" with Autoconf

I have one project that can generate two diferent applications based on one define. libfoo_la_CXXFLAGS = -DMYDEFINE I have …

c++ autotools configure autoconf automake
What would be a pratical example of sysroot and prefix options for Qt

I'm looking at all the options that can be run for the configure script provided with Qt. (specifically qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.0). After …

linux qt embedded qt5 configure
What is the job of when building a c++ package on Linux

I saw a common pattern when installing a c/c++ package from source on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04): ./ ./configure make …

c++ c makefile configure
On Ubuntu, how do you install a newer version of python and keep the older python version?

Background: I am using Ubuntu The newer python version is not in the apt-get repository (or synaptic) I plan on …

python ubuntu installation gnu configure
How to ignore local python when building python from source

When I try to build my own version of Python using: ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/app/vendor/python-dev && make &…

python configure
Compiling ICU using arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3

I would like to cross-compile ICU static libs for Android using Cygwin. So far, I have been able to configure …

android configure icu