Top "Configure" questions

A Configure script is an executable script designed to aid in developing a program to be run on a wide number of different computers.

Kannel SMS Gateway configuration on Windows platform

How to configure Kannel SMS Gateway in Windows 7 ? I have no idea about this. Kannel site it self provide only …

windows-7 configure sms-gateway kannel
ncurses not found when trying to build vim

I am trying to build vim in my user dir after recently upgraded to Fedora 23 I have ncurses and ncurses-devel […

vim build configure ncurses fedora-23
compile ffmpeg with android ndk r5b

compile ffmpeg with android ndk r5b. ffmpeg 0.6.1 android ndk r5b cygwin 1.7 build reference url :…

android ffmpeg configure android-ndk
why "make" before "make install"

I know the process of installing from source are. ./configure make make install But why "make" before /etc/cups/cupsd.…

makefile cmake open-source gnu-make configure
How was my running php compiled?

I'm trying to compile a new instance of PHP (5.4.0) from the source code and want to keep compatibility with the …

php compilation configure phpinfo
How to set the style of line comment in phpstorm

How to change the default style of line comment in PHPStorm to at indentation level rather than at first column? …

php ide phpstorm configure
GCC toolchain for LLVM

I am running on an RHEL 6.x box, which of course has GCC 4.4 installed. I wish to have LLVM running …

c++ llvm configure rhel
Unable to install avconv/libav

I'm having no luck install libav on OS X Mavericks. Ive tried everything. I'm following this guide:…

macos configure libavcodec libav avconv