change eclipse shortcuts to match Visual Studio

BrokeMyLegBiking picture BrokeMyLegBiking · Jan 20, 2011 · Viewed 12.8k times · Source

Is there a way to change keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse to match those in Visual Studio 2010?

I am a C# developer and I am used to Visual Studio shortcuts. I am now using Eclipse to do some Java programming. It is fun, but painful because my brain is hard-wired :).


Emir picture Emir · Jan 20, 2011

after installing the C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) there should be Visual Studio scheme available (from Windows > Preferences > General > Keys)

more informations (with screenshots) can be found on Configure Eclipse to use VS.Net shortcuts?

I've just tried it using Spring's eclipse distribution (spring source tool suite) and it works