Top "Conditional" questions

In computer science, conditional statements, conditional expressions and conditional constructs are features of a programming language which perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false.

Ruby - Access multidimensional hash and avoid access nil object

Possible Duplicate: Ruby: Nils in an IF statement Is there a clean way to avoid calling a method on nil …

ruby hash conditional
react native conditional rendering

I am trying to use an inline if statement to check if a piece of data exists and if it …

if-statement react-native conditional render
Conditional array to calculate percentiles

I have some data as follows: val crit perc 0.415605498 1 perc1 0.475426007 1 perc1 0.418621318 1 perc1 0.51608229 1 perc1 0.452307882 1 perc1 0.496691416 1 perc1 0.402689126 1 perc1 0.494381345 1 perc1 0.532406777 1 perc1 0.839352016 2 perc2 0.618221702 2 perc2 0.83947033 2 …

arrays excel conditional percentile
Project reference conditional include with multiple conditions

Here's a snippet from my csproj file: <ProjectReference Include="..\program_data\program_data.csproj" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'"&…

c# include conditional csproj buildconfiguration
Type condition in template

Is it possible to build only some part of the code given the type of the template in C++ ? It …

c++ templates conditional
find max or min in excel, with conditions

In my spreadsheet I have a column with negative and positive values. I need to get the minimum among all …

excel conditional max minimum
How to append a stylesheet to <head> in AngularJS $routeProvider?

I want to load a specific CSS file only when a user accesses the contact.html view on my AngularJS …

css angularjs conditional route-provider
How can I disable logging in Ruby on Rails on a per-action basis?

I have a Rails application which has an action which is invoked frequently enough to be inconvenient when I am …

ruby-on-rails logging conditional action
Mathematically Find Max Value without Conditional Comparison

----------Updated ------------ codymanix and moonshadow have been a big help thus far. I was able to solve my problem using …

math conditional max algebra min
PostgreSQL CASE usage in functions

Can't we use CASE condition outside SQL SELECT statements? E.g.: CASE WHEN old.applies_to = 'admin' THEN _applies_to = …

postgresql conditional case plpgsql