Top "Conditional" questions

In computer science, conditional statements, conditional expressions and conditional constructs are features of a programming language which perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false.

CMake IF(something OR something else)

Does the CMake IF statement have an OR option as well? Something like: IF (NOT this OR that) ... ENDIF? I …

cmake expression conditional
MySQL update conditions in one query (UPDATE, SET & CASE)

I'm trying to update a set of records (boolean fields) in a single query if possible. The input is coming …

mysql conditional case
Checking if variables are defined in a makefile

I have a GNU Makefile (version 3.81) that looks like the following: .PHONY: SPOneDot SPOneDot: ifndef X X=0.05 $$(info X undefined, …

makefile conditional environment-variables gnu-make
How to use logical not operator in complex conditional expression in Bash?

I would like to have the logical not for the following condition expression in bash, how can I do this? …

bash conditional logical-operators
If-less programming (basically without conditionals)

I've had a colleague that told me he once worked for a company that had as a policy to never …

oop polymorphism conditional
Check if multiple values are all false or all true

How can I check if 20 variables are all true, or if 20 variables are all false? if possible without using a …

php conditional boolean conditional-statements boolean-logic
C# and ASP.NET MVC: Using #if directive in a view

I've got a conditional compilation symbol I'm using called "RELEASE", that I indicated in my project's properties in Visual Studio. …

c# conditional debug-symbols
conditional statement for screen resolution?

I would like to use a conditional statement to attach a different stylesheet for: if the clients resolution is <= 1024*768 …

html css conditional screen-resolution
when to use if vs elif in python

If I have a function with multiple conditional statements where every branch gets executed returns from the function. Should I …

python conditional idioms
Extract numbers from a field in PostgreSQL

I have a table with a column po_number of type varchar in Postgres 8.4. It stores alphanumeric values with some …

regex postgresql conditional case regexp-replace