is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry.
What is the main difference between a quadtree and kd-tree? I understand they split points in many dimensions, but I …
computational-geometry kdtree quadtreeI am looking for an implementation that calculates alpha shapes in two dimensions. I am running ubuntu. I would prefer …
python linux ubuntu geometry computational-geometryThe Bentley-Ottoman algorithm finds all crossings in a set of line segments. For a well known and important algorithm, it …
c++ computational-geometryA classic algorithm question in 2D version is typically described as Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where …
algorithm graphics computational-geometryGiven a set of points in the plane, a notion of alpha-shape, for a given positive number alpha, is defined …
algorithm d3.js geometry computational-geometry delaunayI am having a bit of a problem with an algorithm that I am currently using. I wanted it to …
geometry computational-geometry concave-hullI have a set of rectangles and arbitrary shape in 2D space. The shape is not necessary a polygon (it …
algorithm geometry computational-geometryNode Assignment Problem The problem I want to solve is to tessellate the map given with the Blue Nodes(Source …
python algorithm computational-geometry voronoi operations-researchI am trying to find an efficient solution for finding overlapping of n rectangles where rectangles are stored in two …
python algorithm computational-geometryThere are two kinds of surface mesh models, closed mesh like a sphere or a cube and the second one …
math graphics geometry computational-geometry vertex