Top "Codec" questions

Codec is an implementation of compression and decompression of digital data streams and signals in different scales.

Decoding Opus audio data

I am trying to decode an Opus file back to raw 48 kHz. However I am unable to find any sample …

c++ windows audio codec opus
FFMpeg - How to copy codec ( video and audio ) from 'mp4' container to 'ts' container

i have this ffmpeg command ffmpeg -i c:\input.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb c:\output.…

ffmpeg copy codec libav
Display Emoji in Python's console

I wonder if it's possible to print Emojis in a Python 3 console on Windows. Actually, to avoid the following error: …

python console char codec emoji
How do I write raw binary data in Python?

I've got a Python program that stores and writes data to a file. The data is raw binary data, stored …

python codec string
What is video timescale, timebase, or timestamp in ffmpeg?

There does not seem to be any explanation online as to what these are. People talk about them a lot. …

video ffmpeg codec
Android Media Codec video decoding

This is my first question so please let me know if I missed anything! Using Android API 16's new Media …

android video media codec decoding
Could not find tag for codec pcm_alaw in stream #1, codec not currently supported in container when concatenating 2 files using ffmpeg

I am trying to concatenate two files, the first of which has audio and video while the second is video …

audio video ffmpeg codec
H264 encoder in android?

I've been having some problems while trying to fix a simple video recording app*. I think I followed the sequence …

android h.264 video-encoding codec video-recording
ffmpeg convert from H.264 (High 4:4:4 Profile) to H.264 (Main Profile)

How can I convert a video from H.264 (High 4:4:4 Profile) to H.264 (Main Profile) using ffmpeg? I can't do that …

video ffmpeg converter codec
Installing codecs for mov to mp4 conversion ffmpeg

I have been trying to convert a .mov file to a .mp4 file for a while now i think this …

ffmpeg mp4 codec mov