Top "Video-encoding" questions

This tag should be used for questions related with programmatically handling of video encoding in any format.

What is the difference between H.264 video and MPEG-4 video?

Are these both the same? Is H.264 codec of MPEG-4? What if I need to convert flv to high definition …

video h.264 video-encoding mpeg-4
Using ffmpeg to encode a high quality video

I have a set of video frames saved as images in a directory, and I'm trying to encode these to …

video ffmpeg video-encoding
Rotate mp4 videos without re-encoding

I'm looking for a way to rotate videos shot with my Nexus 4 on my Debian Wheezy sytem. The videos are …

ffmpeg rotation debian video-encoding avconv
Video bitrate and file size calculation

Folks, I am trying to understand the relationship between video bitrate, image size, codec, and the file size. For example, …

video h.264 video-encoding
Suggested Compression Ratio with H.264?

Note bene: I realize this is an immensely complicated question with about a million levels of nuance that I'm trying …

video compression video-encoding h.264
Using FFMPEG to reliably convert videos to mp4 for iphone/ipod and flash players

I need to convert videos for use in both a flash player and the iphone/ipod touch. I'm using the …

iphone ffmpeg video-encoding
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec

I'm trying to get this to work on Android 4.1 (using an upgraded Asus Transformer tablet). Thanks to Alex's response to …

android video-streaming android-camera h.264 video-encoding
Extracting frames from MP4/FLV?

I know it's possible with FFMPEG, but what to do if I have a partial file (like without the beginning …

ffmpeg flv mp4 video-encoding mpeg-4
How to disable subtitles decoding in ffmpeg

I'm trying to convert some video file containing video, audio and subtitles streams into another format using FFMpeg. However, ffmpeg …

video stream ffmpeg video-encoding subtitle
Image sequence to video quality

I have been experimenting with creating a video from a sequence of images. When I use the suggested ffmpeg method: …

ffmpeg video-encoding