Top "Video-encoding" questions

This tag should be used for questions related with programmatically handling of video encoding in any format.

Is there a way to use ffmpeg to determine the encoding of a file before transcoding?

I am planning to use ffmpeg to ensure all video files uploaded to my website are encoded as mp4 h264. …

ffmpeg video-processing video-encoding
Recommendation on the best quality/performance H264 encoder for video encoding?

I am looking for a video encoder that is fast, requires less CPU power and produces very good quality mp4 …

video ffmpeg h.264 mp4 video-encoding
How can I achieve the best overall FLV quality with FFMPEG?

I'm looking to accomplish the best quality FLV with the lowest file size. After all, isn't that everyone's goal? These …

video ffmpeg flv video-encoding
How to convert RGB from YUV420p for ffmpeg encoder?

I want to make .avi video file from bitmap images by using c++ code. I wrote the following code: //Get …

ffmpeg rgb video-encoding yuv
ffmpeg command for faster encoding at a decent bitrate with smaller file size

I'm currently using an implementation of ffmpeg on my android app. I'm allowing users to take short videos within my …

video ffmpeg video-encoding android-ffmpeg
How to compile avconv with libx264 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)?

Is there a step-by-step guide on how to compile avconv in Ubuntu? It seems hard to search for any tutorial …

ffmpeg video-encoding ubuntu-12.04
Combining two video from ffmpeg

I want to combine two mp4 videos to form a single mp4 video using ffmpeg. what i tried so far …

video ffmpeg centos video-encoding
Using RTMP or RTSP protocol in C#

Do you know any library that allows me to send from C# an encoded audio/video stream to a streaming …

c# .net video-streaming video-capture video-encoding
How to encode Bitmaps into a video using MediaCodec?

I would like to encode a set of Bitmaps that I have into an h264. Is this possible via MediaEncoder? …

android bitmap h.264 android-4.2-jelly-bean video-encoding
How to encode images into a video file in Java through programming?

I am trying to encode some images of same resolution into a video file using, For that I have tried: …

java image video-encoding xuggler