Top "Cocoa" questions

Cocoa is Apple's application-development framework for macOS, consisting of Foundation, Application Kit, and Core Data.

How to manually create icns files using iconutil?

When I'm validating my app I get this error: the application bundle does not contain an icon in ICNS format, …

xcode macos cocoa icons iconutil
How to convert CFStringRef to NSString?

NSString *aNSString; CFStringRef aCFString; aCFString = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, [aNSString UTF8String], NSUTF8StringEncoding); aCFString = CFXMLCreateStringByUnescapingEntities(NULL, aCFString, NULL); How can I …

cocoa string cfstring
Core Data vs SQLite 3

I am already quite familiar with relational databases and have used SQLite (and other databases) in the past. However, Core …

cocoa macos core-data sqlite
HTML character decoding in Objective-C / Cocoa Touch

First of all, I found this: Objective C HTML escape/unescape, but it doesn't work for me. My encoded characters (…

iphone html objective-c cocoa cocoa-touch
Getting an object from an NSSet

If you can't get an object with objectAtIndex: from an NSSet then how do you retrieve objects?

objective-c cocoa cocoa-touch object nsset
Convert NSData bytes to NSString?

I'm trying to use the BEncoding ObjC class to decode a .torrent file. NSData *rawdata = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/to/the.…

objective-c cocoa bittorrent
NULL vs nil in Objective-C

In observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: - why do the docs use NULL instead of nil when not specifying a context …

objective-c cocoa null
Generate a random alphanumeric string in Cocoa

I want to call a method, pass it the length and have it generate a random alphanumeric string. Are there …

objective-c cocoa string random alphanumeric
How do you print out a stack trace to the console/log in Cocoa?

I'd like to log the call trace during certain points, like failed assertions, or uncaught exceptions.

objective-c cocoa
How to create a Menubar application for Mac

EDIT: This is a nice ready-made menubar application here (github source) by this answer. I was wondering how to make …

macos cocoa menubar