Top "Cocoa" questions

Cocoa is Apple's application-development framework for macOS, consisting of Foundation, Application Kit, and Core Data.

Is there a good charting library for iPhone?

I have a need to render and display charts (bar charts for now, but more types may be needed later) …

ios cocoa cocoa-touch charts core-plot
How to sort NSMutableArray using sortedArrayUsingDescriptors?

I have a question about sorting NSMutableArray. I can use sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: method to sort an array with objects. For example …

objective-c cocoa sorting nsmutablearray
NSLocale currentLocale always returns "en_US" not user's current language

I'm in the processes of internationalizing an iPhone app - I need to make programmatic changes to certain views based …

iphone objective-c cocoa internationalization
NSPredicate case-insensitive matching on to-many relationship

I am implementing a search field where the user can type in a string to filter the items displayed in …

objective-c cocoa core-data
How to use NSCache

Can someone give an example on how to use NSCache to cache a string? Or anyone has a link to …

ios objective-c xcode cocoa nscache
How to view contents of NSDictionary variable in Xcode debugger?

Is there a way to view the key/value pairs of a NSDictionary variable through the Xcode debugger? Here's the …

objective-c cocoa xcode debugging
Remove autolayout (constraints) in Interface Builder

I'm trying to make my project compatible with Snow Leopard and I am not able to remove the autolayout in …

xcode macos cocoa interface-builder osx-snow-leopard
How do I debug with NSLog(@"Inside of the iPhone Simulator")?

I'm used to programming and having log messages be viewable. I know you used to be able to use NSLog() …

iphone objective-c cocoa xcode nslog
NSInvocation for Dummies?

How exactly does NSInvocation work? Is there a good introduction? I’m specifically having issues understanding how the following code (…

objective-c cocoa undo-redo
How can i tell if an object has a key value observer attached

if you tell an objective c object to removeObservers: for a key path and that key path has not been …

objective-c cocoa key key-value-observing