Top "Cocoa" questions

Cocoa is Apple's application-development framework for macOS, consisting of Foundation, Application Kit, and Core Data.

List of all users and groups

I'm trying to get a list of all users and all groups on Mac OS X 10.5+. How can I do …

c objective-c cocoa macos macos-carbon
how to get first three characters of an NSString?

How can I return the first three characters of an NSString?

objective-c cocoa
The easiest way to write NSData to a file

NSData *data; data = [self fillInSomeStrangeBytes]; My question is now how I can write this data on the easiest way to …

file cocoa file-io save
Use C++ with Cocoa Instead of Objective-C?

I would like to write applications that use C++ and the Cocoa frameworks because Apple is not making Carbon 64-bit …

c++ objective-c cocoa language-interoperability
Sort NSArray of date strings or objects

I have an NSArray that contains date strings (i.e. NSString) like this: "Thu, 21 May 09 19:10:09 -0700" I need to sort …

objective-c cocoa sorting nsarray nsdate
Is there a way to suppress warnings in Xcode?

Is there a way to suppress warnings in Xcode? For example I am calling an undocumented method and since the …

objective-c xcode cocoa cocoa-touch suppress-warnings
Deep copying an NSArray

Is there any built-in function that allows me to deep copy an NSMutableArray? I looked around, some people say [aMutableArray …

objective-c cocoa-touch cocoa nsarray deep-copy
Are "EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)" exceptions caused by debugging breakpoints?

I have a multithreaded app that is very stable on all my test machines and seems to be stable for …

cocoa macos exception gdb breakpoints
NSURLRequest setting the HTTP header

I need to set the HTTP header for a request. In the documentation for the NSURLRequest class I didn't find …

iphone objective-c cocoa cocoa-touch ios
How do you set the text in an NSTextField?

I'm trying to set the text in an NSTextField, but the -setStringValue: and -setTitleWithMnemonic: methods are not working. Any ideas?

cocoa macos nstextfield