Top "Cocoa" questions

Cocoa is Apple's application-development framework for macOS, consisting of Foundation, Application Kit, and Core Data.

Cocoa: What's the difference between the frame and the bounds?

UIView and its subclasses all have the properties frame and bounds. What's the difference?

cocoa cocoa-touch uiview
Best way to define private methods for a class in Objective-C

I just started programming Objective-C and, having a background in Java, wonder how people writing Objective-C programs deal with private …

objective-c cocoa code-completion
"Unknown class <MyClass> in Interface Builder file" error at runtime

Even though Interface Builder is aware of a MyClass, I get an error when starting the application. This happens when …

cocoa cocoa-touch xcode interface-builder
@class vs. #import

It is to my understanding that one should use a forward-class declaration in the event ClassA needs to include a …

objective-c cocoa cocoa-touch
How to convert An NSInteger to an int?

For example when passing a value message to an NSInteger instance like so [a value] it causes an EXC_BAD_…

objective-c cocoa nsinteger
Delete/Reset all entries in Core Data?

Do you know of any way to delete all of the entries stored in Core Data? My schema should stay …

ios cocoa cocoa-touch core-data nsmanagedobject
@synthesize vs @dynamic, what are the differences?

What are the differences between implementing a @property with @dynamic or @synthesize?

objective-c cocoa cocoa-touch synthesize
iOS - Build fails with CocoaPods cannot find header files

I have an iOS project using CocoaPods. Everything was working smoothly until another developer started to work on the same …

objective-c ios cocoa build cocoapods
Get current NSDate in timestamp format

I have a basic method which gets the current time and sets it in a string. However, how can I …

cocoa cocoa-touch nsdate nsdateformatter unix-timestamp