Top "Cloudera" questions

Cloudera Inc.

hadoop hdfs points to file:/// not hdfs://

So I installed Hadoop via Cloudera Manager cdh3u5 on CentOS 5. When I run cmd hadoop fs -ls / I expected …

hadoop hdfs cloudera
Connecting to Kerberrized HDFS , java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to specify server's Kerberos principal name;

I am trying to connect to a Kerberized hdfs cluster , with below code , with same below code i am able …

java hadoop kerberos cloudera keytab

In our YARN cluster which is 80% full, we are seeing some of the yarn nodemanager's are marked as UNHEALTHY. after …

hadoop distributed-computing cloudera yarn cloudera-cdh
Apache Spark error : Could not connect to akka.tcp://sparkMaster@

This is our first steps using big data stuff like apache spark and hadoop. We have a installed Cloudera CDH 5.3. …

hadoop apache-spark cloudera
extract the date from a timestamp value variable in Impala

How can I extract the date from a timestamp value variable in Impala? eg time = 2018-04-11 16:05:19 should be 2018-04…

sql cloudera impala
yarn is not honouring yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores

I am using Hadoop-2.4.0 and my system configs are 24 cores, 96 GB RAM. I am using following configs…

hadoop mapreduce cloudera yarn hadoop2
Spark executor logs on YARN

I'm launching a distributed Spark application in YARN client mode, on a Cloudera cluster. After some time I see some …

apache-spark cloudera yarn cloudera-manager
Where is the sqoop library directory?

To install the MySQL connector in Sqoop I need to put the jar file in the Sqoop directory but I …

hadoop cloudera sqoop
Searching over documents stored in Hadoop - which tool to use?

I'm lost in: Hadoop, Hbase, Lucene, Carrot2, Cloudera, Tika, ZooKeeper, Solr, Katta, Cascading, POI... When you read about the one …

solr hadoop lucene cloudera carrot2
DataNode failing to Start in Hadoop

I trying setup Hadoop install on Ubuntu 11.04 and Java 6 sun. I was working with hadoop 0.20.203 rc1 build. I am repeatedly …

java hadoop installation ubuntu-11.04 cloudera