Top "Cloudera" questions

Cloudera Inc.

issue Running Spark Job on Yarn Cluster

I want to run my spark Job in Hadoop YARN cluster mode, and I am using the following command: spark-submit …

hadoop apache-spark hdfs yarn cloudera
How to find cdh version hadoop

When connecting to Hadoop cluster, how can I know which version of Hadoop this cluster is running? In particular this …

hadoop cloudera
Spark : check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered

I have a simple program in Spark: /* SimpleApp.scala */ import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ import …

scala hadoop apache-spark cloudera cloudera-manager
No partition predicate found for Alias even when the partition predicate in present in the query

I have a table pos.pos_inv in hdfs which is partitioned by yyyymm. Below is the query: select DATE_…

hadoop hive cloudera hiveql hue
Repair HBase table (unassigned region in transition)

I'm a bit stuck repairing a faulty table (on Hbase 0.92.1-cdh4.0.0, Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.0.0) There is a region in transition that …

hadoop hbase cloudera
Unable to establish a JDBC connection to Hive from Eclipse

I am trying to establish a JDBC connection to Hive so that I can view and create tables and query …

java hadoop jdbc hive cloudera
How to set configuration in Hive-Site.xml file for hive metastore connection?

I want to connect MetaStore using the java code. I have no idea how to set configuration setting in Hive-Site.…

hadoop hive cloudera impala metastore
Is there a way to add nodes to a running Hadoop cluster?

I have been playing with Cloudera and I define the number of clusters before I start my job then use …

hadoop cluster-computing hbase hdfs cloudera
hdfs - ls: Failed on local exception:

I am trying to use the below to list my dirs in hdfs: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ hadoop fs -ls hdfs:// ls: …

hadoop hdfs cloudera
Impala: Show tables like query

I am working with Impala and fetching the list of tables from the database with some pattern like below. Assume …

hive cloudera hiveql cloudera-cdh impala