Top "Impala" questions

for Apache Hadoop.

How to copy all hive table from one Database to other Database

I have default db in hive table which contains 80 tables . I have created one more database and I want to …

hive hiveql impala
Convert YYYYMMDD String to Date in Impala

I'm using SQL in Impala to write this query. I'm trying to convert a date string, stored in YYYYMMDD format, …

sql hadoop impala
Fast Hadoop Analytics (Cloudera Impala vs Spark/Shark vs Apache Drill)

I want to do some "near real-time" data analysis (OLAP-like) on the data in a HDFS. My research showed that …

apache-spark impala apache-drill
How does impala provide faster query response compared to hive

I have recently started looking into querying large sets of CSV data lying on HDFS using Hive and Impala. As …

hadoop hive impala
ROW_NUMBER( ) OVER in impala

I have a use case where I need to use ROW_NUMBER() over PARTITION: Something like: SELECT Column1 , Column 2 ROW_…

sql window-functions impala
How to set configuration in Hive-Site.xml file for hive metastore connection?

I want to connect MetaStore using the java code. I have no idea how to set configuration setting in Hive-Site.…

hadoop hive cloudera impala metastore
Get sequential number of a row (rank) within a partition without using ROW_NUMBER() OVER function

I need to rank rows by partition (or group), i.e. if my source table is: NAME PRICE ---- ----- …

sql hive impala
Impala: Show tables like query

I am working with Impala and fetching the list of tables from the database with some pattern like below. Assume …

hive cloudera hiveql cloudera-cdh impala
Difference between invalidate metadata and refresh commands in Impala?

I saw at this link which affects Impala version 1.1: Since Impala 1.1, REFRESH statement only works for existing tables. For new …

impala invalidation
Impala can't access all hive table

I try to query hbase data through hive (I'm using cloudera). I did a fiew hive external table pointing to …

hadoop hive cloudera hue impala