Top "Claims-based-identity" questions

Application model for presenting an identity to a claims aware application.

Basic Authentication Middleware with OWIN and ASP.NET WEB API

I created an ASP.NET WEB API 2.2 project. I used the Windows Identity Foundation based template for individual accounts available … owin wif claims-based-identity
Understanding Claims

I'm trying to get up to speed with OpenId Connect, OAuth2.0, Security Token Service and Claims. Imagine a scenario with …

oauth-2.0 claims-based-identity openid-connect identityserver3
Exclude specific path from WIF authorization in a ASP.NET MVC 4 project

We have successfully configured windows identity foundation (WIF) in our ASP.NET 4.5 MVC 4 project with the help of the Identity … wif claims-based-identity
Difference between Service Principal and Managed Identities in Azure

I would like to know if it is always recommended to use Managed Identities in Azure , mostly system assigned or …

azure azure-active-directory claims-based-identity
Claims Cookie Security in ASP.Net Identity

The way I understood it from reading all over the net, is that Claims get stored as cookie, now I …

c# claims-based-identity owin
How to set custom principal in

I am new to web application. I have created a custom principle and trying to set it in CurrentDomain. This …

c# permissions claims-based-identity iprincipal
AspNetCore 2.0 Claims always empty

I am working on converting a DotNet 4.5 MVC/WebAPI application to AspNetCore 2.0, and I'm having some trouble getting my Cookie …

c# authentication claims-based-identity
ASP.NET Core Identity Role, Claim and User

I am an ASP.NET Core beginner. I'm stuck in role, claim and user relationship. I have a user Ben, … claims-based-identity
BootstrapContext is null on ClaimsIdentity

I have created a new ASP.NET MVC application with .NET 4.5. I have successfully set up authentication with an STS. … .net-4.5 wif claims-based-identity ws-federation
Transforming Open Id Connect claims in ASP.Net Core

I'm writing an ASP.Net Core Web Application and using UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication to connect it to IdentityServer3. Emulating their ASP.Net …

c# claims-based-identity identityserver3