Top "Openid-connect" questions

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a REST-friendly protocol for the (possibly cross-domain) exchange of user identity built on top of the OAuth 2.0 and JWT specifications.

Verifying JWT signed with the RS256 algorithm using public key in C#

Ok, I understand that the question I am asking may be pretty obvious, but unfortunately I lack the knowledge on …

c# rsa jwt openid-connect jwk
Single sign-on flow using JWT for cross domain authentication

There is a lot of information on the web about using JWT (Json Web Token) for authentication. But I still …

authentication single-sign-on jwt openid-connect
.NET Core Identity Server 4 Authentication VS Identity Authentication

I'm trying to understand the proper way to do authentication in ASP.NET Core. I've looked at several Resource (Most …

c# authentication openid-connect
Identity Server 4: adding claims to access token

I am using Identity Server 4 and Implicit Flow and want to add some claims to the access token, the new …

c# jwt identityserver4 openid-connect thinktecture-ident-server
Login to Keycloak using API

I have 2 different applications: say Application1 and Application2. I have integrated Application2 with keycloak and I am able to login …

openid-connect keycloak
What is intent of ID Token expiry time in OpenID Connect?

In OpenID Connect an access token has an expiry time. For authorization code flow, this is typically short (eg 20 minutes) …

oauth-2.0 openid-connect
IDX10803: Unable to create to obtain configuration

My configuration has 3 sites: Identity Server (Idp), Windows Authentication host and my end-user client site. On the client site, I …

openid-connect identityserver3
Difference between OAuth 2.0 "state" and OpenID "nonce" parameter? Why state could not be reused?

OAuth 2.0 defines "state" parameter to be sent in request by client to prevent cross-site request attacks. Same is mentioned in …

oauth oauth-2.0 openid-connect
IdentityServer Flows

IdentityServer supports different OpenId Connect flows that are defined in the Flows enum and set for clients. There's also samples …

oauth-2.0 openid thinktecture-ident-server openid-connect identityserver3
Getting Scope Validating error in Identity Server 4 using JavaScript Client in core

I am getting the below error while making a request to my Identity Server application from my Javascript Client Application. …

c# oauth-2.0 openid-connect identityserver4