OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a REST-friendly protocol for the (possibly cross-domain) exchange of user identity built on top of the OAuth 2.0 and JWT specifications.
I'm trying to get the key from Keycloak open-id connect certs endpoint that allow me to validate a JWT token. …
jwt public-key openid-connect keycloakI'm using the angular-oauth2-oidc library in combination with the Implicit Flow with keycloak. There is no problem to login …
angular oauth-2.0 openid-connect angular-oauth2-oidcI was recently forced to update my System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt NuGet package to 5.1.4 because of another NuGet package. Most …
c# configuration openid-connectI'm trying to get up to speed with OpenId Connect, OAuth2.0, Security Token Service and Claims. Imagine a scenario with …
oauth-2.0 claims-based-identity openid-connect identityserver3Per the OpenID Connect specification, providers can publish a discovery document that includes a jwks_uri property. The data returned …
c# openid-connect jwkI have created a new .NET Core MVC application in Visual Studio 2017 and enabled multi-tenant authentication. I've completed the configuration (… .net-core openid-connectI have a web app where the Angular (7) front-end communicates with a REST API on the server, and uses OpenId …
angular http-headers openid-connect auth-tokenI am trying to secure my rest api and frontend using Keycloak. Frontend is based on Angular 4. Backend is rest …
spring-boot keycloak bearer-token openid-connect keycloak-servicesKeycloak refresh token lifetime is 1800 seconds: "refresh_expires_in": 1800 How to specify different default expiry time? In Keycloak admin ui, …
oauth-2.0 access-token openid-connect keycloak refresh-tokenI am working on a project where a third party provider will act as an Oauth2 based Authorization Server. An …
c# oauth-2.0 wso2 owin openid-connect