Top "Claims-based-identity" questions

Application model for presenting an identity to a claims aware application.

MVC 5 Access Claims Identity User Data

I am developing an MVC 5 web application using Entity Framework 5 Database First approach. I am using OWIN for the authentication … authentication claims-based-identity
Anti-forgery token issue (MVC 5)

I am having an issue with the anti-forgery token :( I have created my own User class which worked fine but …

c# authentication claims-based-identity
Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled statement

I am trying to create a user using claim identity I get this error while creating claims identity …

c# model-view-controller claims-based-identity
How do I create a ClaimsIdentity object for Asp.NET MVC 5?

I am working in a .NET MVC 5 application. I do not want to use Entity Framework. I want to authenticate …

authentication ravendb claims-based-identity katana
Add claims on successful login and retrieve it elsewhere in the application

Please I need assistance in implementing a custom way of assigning claims to authenticated users. On successful login, var result = … claims-based-identity
Explain "claims-based authentication" to a 5-year-old

Well, not exactly to a 5-year-old, but please avoid buzzword and enterprisespeak if possible. Claims-based authentication seems to be all …

terminology claims-based-identity
Best Practices for Roles vs. Claims in ASP.NET Identity

I am completely new to the use of claims in ASP.NETIdentity and want to get an idea of best … roles claims-based-identity
Custom Identity using MVC5 and OWIN

I trying to add custom properties to the ApplicationUser for a web site using MVC5 and OWIN authentication. I've read …

c# claims-based-identity owin iprincipal
What is the purpose of nameidentifier claim?

What the claim of type should be used for? This is the …

claims-based-identity adfs2.0 federated-identity