Application model for presenting an identity to a claims aware application.
In AuthController when authenticating I create a few Claims - UserID is one of them. ... Subject = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new …
c# claims-based-identityI have three applications in my solution, all built in core 1 MVC 6. App 1 is an MVC app used …
google-chrome cookies claims-based-identityFor the past few days I've been reading about the windows identity foundation and how it's so good and flexible …
.net .net-4.5 wif claims-based-identityI've been looking for an exact answer but it seems most answers are client call and out of the scope. …
c# token access-token claims-based-identity claimsI am still confused about all this Identity stuff. First I am still confused the difference between Roles, Policies/Claims. … claims-based-identity role-basedI'm trying to follow the simple guide mvcGettingStarted. Now, I've implemented both GoogleAuthentication and FacebookAuthentication providers, and everything is working …
c# claims-based-identity thinktecture-ident-serverBelow is a simplified version of where I am trying to set Thread.CurrentPrincipal within an async method to a …
c# asynchronous async-await claims-based-identity current-principalI am trying to make a choice between storing user specific data in my MVC application either as identity claims … session-cookies session-state claims-based-identity cookie-sessionI am identity 2.1.2 with core 2.0, I have application claim table which have claim type and claim value i.…
c# claims-based-identityI'm investigating using claims-based authorization in ASP.NET (MVC Core 1.0). When setting up a ClaimsIdentity, I supply a list of …
c# claims-based-identity