Top "Channel" questions

A communication construct enabling sending of objects between execution threads.

Why does Go panic on writing to a closed channel?

Why does Go panic on writing to a closed channel? While one can use the value, ok := <-channel idiom …

go concurrency channel goroutine panic
Golang channel in a struct: Can it be directional when passed to a function?

When passing a channel to a function, I know you can specify the direction that channel may use the channel …

go struct channel channels
resetting conda channel priorities

I am having issues with conda. After running commands such as: conda install -c /my_conda_channel numpy --offline --override-channels …

anaconda conda channel
ZeroMQ in javascript client

Have anyone used ZmqSocket.js successfully? I'd like to know how can it be used to establish a safe channel …

javascript zeromq channel
How to get all text channels using

I need to get all channels to make a bunker command, which makes all channels read only.

channel discord
Jsch error - failed to send channel request

I am trying to connect to a SFTP remote server using JSCH library version 0.1.49. Every time I run the program …

sftp jsch channel
Add channel to category by name

var server = message.guild; for (var i = 0; i < server.channels.array().length; i++) { server.channels.array()[i].delete(); } server.…

javascript move categories channel discord.js
Type agnostic channels in go

I'm still sort of wrapping my head around interfaces within golang. Is it possible to send multiple different types over …

interface go channel
Priority in Go select statement workaround

I wish to have a go routine listening on two channels, blocked when both channels are drained. However, if both …

select concurrency go channel
WCF Channel and ChannelFactory Caching

So I've decided to up the performance a bit in my WCF application, and attempt to cache Channels and the …

c# .net wcf channel channelfactory