Top "Channel" questions

A communication construct enabling sending of objects between execution threads.

Slack bot cannot post message to private channel

I follow Slack bot post message documents it works perfectly when post to public channel, but get error [error] => …

bots private channel slack
RabbitMQ: How to specify the queue to publish to?

RabbitMQ's Channel#basicConsume method gives us the following arguments: channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck, consumerTag, noLocal, exclusive, arguments, callback); Giving us …

java rabbitmq messaging publish-subscribe channel
Thread interrupt not ending blocking call on input stream read

I'm using RXTX to read data from a serial port. The reading is done within a thread spawned in the …

java multithreading nonblocking channel rxtx
Why is my Golang Channel Write Blocking Forever?

I've been attempting to take a swing at concurrency in Golang by refactoring one of my command-line utilities over the …

go concurrency channel
What is a channel in a .wav file format?Do all channels play simultaneaously when a wav file is played?

I read about.wav file format by googling,all I could figure was that Frames are made of samples(of …

audio wav channel bit-depth
Slack API: Retrieve all member emails from a slack channel

Given the name of a slack channel, is there a way to retrieve a list of emails of all the …

email channel slack-api slack
How are Go channels implemented?

After (briefly) reviewing the Go language spec, effective Go, and the Go memory model, I'm still a little unclear as …

go channel
throw: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock

Given the following simple Go program package main import ( "fmt" ) func total(ch chan int) { res := 0 for iter := range ch { …

multithreading go deadlock channel
HttpPost: InputDispatcher: "Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!" on Nexus 7

On Nexus 7 (4.3), and not on my older device, LG Optimus 3d (Android 2.2), when I do HttpPost, I get this E/…

java android http-post channel socketchannel
Wait for the termination of n goroutines

I need to start a huge amount of goroutines and wait for their termination. The intuitive way seems to use …

concurrency go channel coroutine goroutine