Top "Channels" questions

How to stop a goroutine

I have a goroutine that calls a method, and passes returned value on a channel: ch := make(chan int, 100) go …

go goroutine channels
how to get the number of channels from an image, in OpenCV 2?

The answers at Can I determine the number of channels in cv::Mat Opencv answer this question for OpenCV 1: you …

python image opencv channels
golang using timeouts with channels

I am using goroutines/channels to check if list of urls are reachable. Here is my code. This seems to …

go channels
Are channels passed by reference implicitly

The go tour has this example for channels: package main import "fmt" func sum(a []…

concurrency go channels pass-by-reference
Reading from multiple channels simultaneously in Golang

I am new to Golang. Right now I am trying to figure out how to make an any-to-one channel in …

concurrency go channels
How can I explicitly empty a channel?

The short version: Is there a way to empty a go channel without recreating it, or looping through it? The …

go channels
Why does the use of an unbuffered channel in the same goroutine result in a deadlock?

I'm sure that there is a simple explanation to this trivial situation, but I'm new to the go concurrency model. …

concurrency go channels
Golang channel in a struct: Can it be directional when passed to a function?

When passing a channel to a function, I know you can specify the direction that channel may use the channel …

go struct channel channels
Explanation of different conda channels

What are the major conda channels, and what are their focuses? I can't seem to find any documentation on what …

anaconda conda channels miniconda
Django development server showing Error 61 Connection Refused with Redis

I am trying to follow the tutorial on read the docs for Django Channels. In the file I …

django redis channels