Top "Channels" questions

RabbitMQ - Close Idle/dangling channels

I have a multi-threaded application that publishes incoming messages to a rabbitmq exchange. Using the rabbitmq java client, I create …

multithreading rabbitmq netty channels
How are Django channels different than celery?

Recently I came to know about Django channels. Can somebody tell me the difference between channels and celery, as well …

python django celery channels
ImportError: No module named asgi

Why does : from channels.asgi import get_channel_layer results in : from channels.asgi import get_channel_layer ImportError: No …

django python-3.x channels
How to convert a 1 channel image into a 3 channel with PIL?

I have an image that has one channel. I would like duplicate this one channel such that I can get …

python python-imaging-library channels
Port Unreachable when using Datagram Channel

While using Datagram Channel I get a PortUnreachableException. This is what my Codes look like : This is the sender side //…

java networking nio datagram channels
Consuming all elements of a channel into a slice

How can I construct a slice out of all of elements consumed from a channel (like Python's list does)? I …

go channels
Deploy to docker with nginx, django, daphne

I want to deploy my service to docker. and my service is developed using python+django and django-channels ── myproject ├── myproject │ ├── …

django nginx docker channels daphne