Top "Cgcontext" questions

The CGContextRef opaque type represents a Quartz 2D drawing destination.

I am getting unsupported parameter combination CGBitmap error with swift

I am trying to create a CGContext in swift. It compiles but throws an error at runtime. let colorSpace:CGColorSpace = …

ios swift xcode cgcontext cgbitmapcontext
iPhone CGContextRef CGBitmapContextCreate unsupported parameter combination

In my application I need to resize and crop some images, stored locally and online. I am using Trevor Harmon's …

iphone uiimage cgcontext cgimage cgbitmapcontextcreate
UISearchBar CGContext ERROR

I have a UISearchBar inside a view, whenever I tap on it, after the keyboard comes up - after -(…

ios cocoa-touch uisearchbar cgcontext
Saving and restoring CGContext

I'm trying to save and restore a CGContext to avoid doing heavy drawing computations for a second time and I'm …

iphone core-graphics quartz-graphics cgcontext
CGContext line drawing: CGContextFillPath not working?

Anyone have any idea why CGContextFillPath won't work in the code snippet below? I'm using the following code to draw …

iphone quartz-2d cgcontext
How to draw heart shape in UIView (iOS)?

I want to create different shapes. Below image is the one of example. Will you suggest me how to different …

ios core-graphics cgcontext uibezierpath
Using CGContext to draw line

I wanted to draw a line using CGContext and what I have so far is: CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, […

iphone objective-c ios ipad cgcontext
What this error is invalid context 0x0?

I wrote the following code in ViewDidLoad // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a …

ios cocoa-touch cgcontext quartz-2d
Swift on OS X: How to access the current CGContext for drawing in -[NSView drawRect:]

Setup: Xcode 6.1 OS X 10.9.5 Swift Mac Document-based Application target Question: I am using Swift to make a Cocoa Mac app (…

xcode macos cocoa swift cgcontext
How can I use Core Graphics to draw a circle at my touch location?

New programmer here. I am having issues trying to use Core Graphics to draw a stroked arc around my touch …

ios xcode touch cgcontext