Top "Cgbitmapcontextcreate" questions

Creates a bitmap graphics context (drawing destination) in Apple's Core Graphics framework.

iPhone CGContextRef CGBitmapContextCreate unsupported parameter combination

In my application I need to resize and crop some images, stored locally and online. I am using Trevor Harmon's …

iphone uiimage cgcontext cgimage cgbitmapcontextcreate
How to create a CGBitmapContext which works for Retina display and not wasting space for regular display?

Is it true that if it is in UIKit, including drawRect, the HD aspect of Retina display is automatically handled? …

ios core-graphics retina-display cgbitmapcontextcreate
iPhone: Changing CGImageAlphaInfo of CGImage

I have a PNG image that has an unsupported bitmap graphics context pixel format. Whenever I attempt to resize the …

iphone png alpha cgimage cgbitmapcontextcreate
CGBitmapContextCreate with kCGImageAlphaNone

I desperately need to create a CGContextRef WITHOUT an alpha channel. Unfortunately, with Core Graphics you CANNOT specify kCGImageAlphaNone with …

alpha cgbitmapcontextcreate
UIView: how to do non-destructive drawing?

My original question: I'm creating a simple drawing application and need to be able to draw over existing, previously drawn …

iphone uiview drawing cgbitmapcontextcreate off-screen
CGBitMapContextCreate Method Causes Compiler Warning Xcode 5 not Xcode 4

I just updated Xcode from version 4.6.2 to 5.0, and after doing a method in my project (created in Xcode 4.6.2) is suddenly …

ios xcode cgcontext xcode5 cgbitmapcontextcreate