Top "Certutil" questions

Windows command for managing Certificate Services.

Import Certificate to Trusted Root but not to Personal [Command Line]

I am trying to import two certificates to my local machine using the command line. I have one certificate to …

windows certificate root trusted certutil
certutil: function failed: SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE: The certificate/key database is in an old, unsupported format

I had downloaded a verified (not self-signed) S/MIME certificate with iceweasel (firefox) which was stored in cert8.db Then …

certificate smime nss certificate-store certutil
How to import a pfx using certutil without prompt?

I want to import a pfx using cmd. I am using certutils for that. But I am getting a prompt …

windows pfx certutil
How do you convert a .CSR / p10 / PKCS#10 file to .DER format in java?

How do you convert a .CSR (a.k.a. p10 or PKCS#10) file to .DER format in java? Here is …

java pki pem csr certutil