Top "Certificate-store" questions

A location on a computer used to store certificates, often in categories based on usage.

Get list of certificates from the certificate store in C#

For a secure application I need to select a certificate in a dialog. How can I access certificate store or …

c# certificate x509certificate certificate-store
"Invalid provider type specified" CryptographicException when trying to load private key of certificate

I'm trying to read the private key of a certificate which has been shared with me by a third-party service …

c# windows certificate mmc certificate-store
How do I configure Git to trust certificates from the Windows Certificate Store?

Currently I have the following entry in my .gitconfig in my user directory. ... [http] sslCAInfo=C:\\Users\\julian.lettner\\.ssh\\…

windows git ssl-certificate certificate-store
What's the difference between the Personal and Web Hosting certificate store?

In Internet Information Services Manager, you're given the option between the Personal and the Web Hosting certificate store when creating …

windows iis ssl-certificate windows-server certificate-store
Google Chrome Client Certificate Popup

I'm implementing a mutual authentication for my client in order to solve not having to continually whitelist some of the …

google-chrome certificate client-certificates certificate-store
certutil: function failed: SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE: The certificate/key database is in an old, unsupported format

I had downloaded a verified (not self-signed) S/MIME certificate with iceweasel (firefox) which was stored in cert8.db Then …

certificate smime nss certificate-store certutil
Programmatically verify certificate chain using OpenSSL API

This is very similar to other questions but the ones I've looked at either don't have an answer or don't …

c openssl x509 certificate-store pkix
Where did 'My" certificate store go?

Because I'm awesome I'm trying to run the latest WIF demo app using VS2k10 B2 on my 7 boxen... 64bit …

visual-studio certificate wif certificate-store
Install certificates in to the Windows Local user certificate store in C#

I'm writing a Windows service that needs several certificates in the certificate store in order to connect to a third …

c# windows certificate certificate-store
Extract private key from pfx file or certificate store WITHOUT using OpenSSL on Windows

As the title suggests I would like to export my private key without using OpenSSL or any other third party …

windows powershell certificate certificate-store