Top "Pfx" questions

pfx is a file format containing public key together with the private key for encryption and chain of trust certificates attached to the public key if such a chain exists.

Convert .pfx to .cer

Is it possible to convert a .pfx (Personal Information Exchange) file to a .cer (Security Certificate) file? Unless I'm mistaken, …

security certificate pfx
Converting pfx to pem using openssl

How to generate a .pem CA certificate and client certificate from a PFX file using OpenSSL.

openssl pem pfx
Cannot import the keyfile 'blah.pfx' - error 'The keyfile may be password protected'

We just upgraded our Visual Studio 2008 projects to Visual Studio 2010. All of our assemblies were strong signed using a Verisign …

visual-studio-2010 visual-studio passwords pfx
SSLError("bad handshake") when trying to access resources Custom Certificates and Requests

I want to program webservices to exchange data in Python using Zeep. I can access services only with my certificate. …

python pfx zeep
create a pfx file from a .cer and a .pem file

I have used openssl to create a .key and .cer file in pem format (you can read them). Now I …

openssl ssl-certificate pfx
How to retrieve certificates from a pfx file with c#?

I've been googling around for half a day looking for a way to read a .pfx file and import the …

c# pfx
Is it possible to convert an SSL certificate from a .key file to a .pfx?

is there a way to convert from a .key file to a .pfx file? thank you. EDIT: I only have …

ssl-certificate pfx
"An internal error occurred." when loading pfx file with X509Certificate2

I'm trying use self-signed certificate (c#): X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2( Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/myhost.pfx"), "pass"); on …

c# x509certificate pfx
How can I create a PFX file from a Java Keystore?

I have a Java keystore (.jks file) holding a single certificate. How can I create a .pfx file from this …

java .net certificate pfx jks
PFX to JKS keytool conversion: Alias <*> does not exist

I'm trying to convert x.PFX file to x.JKS file using keytool but I am getting following error: keytool …

certificate ssl-certificate keytool pfx jks