Top "Bundle" questions

Bundles are a group of resources.

Using Bundle to move a value from activity to activity but can't get them from on create method?

My java skills are not strong. Only been programming in it for a month or 2 so forgive my stupidness. I'm …

android bundle transfer oncreate
Putting a Bitmap into a Bundle

I want to pass a String and a Bitmap to a Service using AIDL. The Service implements this AIDL method: …

android bitmap bundle parcelable parcel
An error occurred while installing pg (0.21.0), and Bundler cannot continue

I am trying to follow this tutorial about Shopify Apps. First I try: bundle install But it gives me this …

ruby ubuntu bundle shopify
How to remove "bundle install" command during the project creation in Rails 3.1?

I am creating a new project: rails new ggg --database=mysql and get following output: create create README create Rakefile …

ruby-on-rails gem bundle ruby-on-rails-3.1
magento bundle product displaying as out of stock

I have created a bundle product in Magento All the components of the bundle are in stock but when the …

php magento bundle product inventory
SignalR and MVC bundle

I'm trying to use SignalR with MVC bundle, but having problem finding out how to include the /signalr/hubs script … bundle signalr
Can someone explain Webpack's CommonsChunkPlugin

I get the general gist that the CommonsChunkPlugin looks at all the entry points, checks to see if there are …

javascript webpack bundle webpack-plugin commonschunkplugin
Can you please explain onCreate and Bundles?

I have been looking it up and I just cant seem to wrap myself around the onCreate and Bundles. I …

android bundle oncreate
webpack 4 - split chunks plugin for multiple entries

Using split chunks plugin with the following config : { entry: { entry1: [entry1.js], entry2: [entry2.js], entry3: [entry3.js], ... } optimization: { splitChunks: { …

javascript webpack bundle code-splitting
How to bundle Angular2 RC1 with systemjs

Prior to the release candidates angular supplied a bundled file. Since the release candidates there's no more bundled file. Including …

angular bundle rxjs systemjs