Bundles are a group of resources.
[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleDisplayName"] this API returns Bundle Display Name in plist. However my app is localized and has …
ios objective-c bundleHi Can anyone give me an example on how to use Scriptbundle method IncludeDirectory for Javascripts, not able to get …
c# asp.net-mvc asp.net-mvc-4 bundle bundling-and-minificationI have a bundle where i put images in it. The contents are: MyBundle.bundle/images/picture1.png MyBundle.bundle/…
iphone ios image interface-builder bundleI have read a lot of equinox code for this, but still can't figure out a non-hacky way of getting …
eclipse osgi classloader bundle equinoxHow do you unit test Parcelable? I created a Parcelable class, and wrote this unit test TestClass test = new TestClass(); …
android unit-testing bundle parcelableLets say I load my product object: $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); Is there a function …
magento bundle productI'm using ASP.net MVC 4. Like the question states, if I put a bunch of JS files (or CSS, for …
c# asp.net-mvc bundle bundling-and-minificationI just ran git push origin master and got this error after trying to run rails s: Your Gemfile.lock …
ruby-on-rails terminal bundle gemfile gemfile.lockI have a small web app, which uses a bunch of gems. Some of them are only used for test …
ruby-on-rails gem bundle bundler unicorn