Top "Bundle" questions

Bundles are a group of resources.

Angular 2: How to tell SystemJS to use a bundle?

I have an Angular 2 RC7 app where I use SystemJS to load JavaScript files. This is my current configuration for …

javascript angular bundle systemjs
Symfony 4 bundles working

How can I create library bundle on Symfony 4? In Symfony 3 I use this command: php bin/console generate:bundle but …

symfony bundle symfony4
How to protect iOS bundle files like plist ,image,sqlite,media files

I have created sample hello world project and then added Data.plist file to resource folder. Now people can easily …

ios iphone bundle protection
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones

Edit: the Symfony best practices answer most of my questions. I have several questions concerning my Symfony2 app. It will …

php symfony bundle
bundle install and rbx-require-relative

After following railstutorial.orgI am trying to run bundle install. It list use of gem like : Using railties (3.0.7) Using rails (3.0.7) …

ruby-on-rails-3 bundle
Allowing key-value pairs in Symfony 2 Bundle semantic configuration

Basically i'd like to allow an arbitrary (but not empty) number of key-value pairs in my configuration, under billings node, …

symfony dependency-injection bundle
How to transfer resource files with Static Library (How to wrap resources in bundle)?

I'm creating a Static Library for iOS applications. I almost completed it, but there is an issue with the resources. …

ios resources bundle static-libraries nsbundle
Do not minify certain files in ASP .NET MVC 4 BundleConfig

I don't want to minify all the files I use in my ASP .NET MVC 4 solution. So for example I … bundle
Minified script only in MVC4 BundleConfig

I am adding the following ScriptBundle in BundleConfig: bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/javascript").Include( "~/Scripts/jquery-1.*", "~/Scripts/load-image.min.… razor bundle
Turn off bundling/minification while debugging in WebForms

I want to be able to minify/bundle my javascript files in a production environment while having them unminified/unbundled … webforms bundle minify