Top "Built-in" questions

Built-in functions, modules and classes are standard parts of a programming language or framework.

How can I read documentation about built in zsh commands?

It's frustrating when I do something like man bindkey and i get: BUILTIN(1) BSD General Commands Manual BUILTIN(1) NAME builtin, !, %, ., :, @, {, }, …

linux bash zsh built-in
How to shadow python builtin pwd module

There is some python code that works under Linux. It uses the pwd module in a way like that: import …

python windows built-in shadowing pwd
MSVC equivalent to __builtin_popcount?

What is the equivalent to __builtin_popcount as found in GCC and Clang, for MSVC-10?

visual-studio-2010 visual-c++ built-in
Built-in magic variable names/attributes

Background: For those not familiar with it, Sublime Text (and TextMate) provides syntax highlighting and other features through scopes which …

python syntax sublimetext built-in magic-methods
Remove all occurrences of several chars from a string

Is there a pythonic way to do what the str.strip() method does, except for all occurrences, not just those …

python string string-formatting built-in
Is it possible to overwrite window.location function with a custom function?

Is it possible to disable, or even better, replace with a custom function, window.location? This question is related: Disable …

javascript function replace built-in
pycharm builtin unresolved reference

I'm using PyCharm and just trying out some simple stuff. When I try to use raw_input(), the editor is …

python pycharm built-in
Overwrite built-in function

I have a large chunk of code which uses the "print" statement. As to say in this way: print "foo" …

python function built-in
Difference between r-base and r-recommended packages

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between base and recommended packages. If there is link where base and …

r packages built-in
User defined __mul__ method is not commutative

I wrote a class to represent vectors in Python (as an exercise) and I'm having problems with extending the built-in …

python extend built-in