Top "Built-in" questions

Built-in functions, modules and classes are standard parts of a programming language or framework.

Django Template Filter Syntax error

I am trying to use django's built in 'default' filter using this code {% load sekizai_tags static compress i18n %} [...] &…

django templates filter built-in
No man page for the cd command

Ubuntu Linux 15.10 - I just noticed that there is no man page for cd This seems a bit strange. I …

linux shell command built-in ubuntu-15.10
Is it normal that the gcc atomic builtins are so slow?

I have an application where I have to increment some statistics counters in a multi-threaded method. The incrementing has to …

c++ performance gcc atomic built-in
How are methods, `classmethod`, and `staticmethod` implemented in Python?

At what point do methods in Python acquire a get property? —As soon as they're defined in the class? Why …

python class methods built-in
Python 2's `exceptions` module is missing in Python3, where did its contents go?

A friend mentioned that with Python 2, (assuming you have it on your path environment variable, on the commandline) $ pydoc exceptions …

python python-2.7 exception python-3.x built-in