Top "Bug-tracking" questions

This tag is for general bug tracking questions that aren't specific to a given tool.

Where can I find and submit bug reports on Google's Chrome browser?

It will be important for developers wanting to develop for the chrome browser to be able to review existing bugs (…

google-chrome bug-tracking
Bugzilla or Mantis?

As the title says, I'm starting one project right now, and trying to layout the infrastructure for the project (SVN, …

bug-tracking project-planning bugzilla mantis
Configuring MantisBT to send emails using GMail

I am new to Mantis bug tracker and I want to enable the email notification after registering for a new …

notifications bug-tracking mantis bug-tracker
Bug tracker setup with Git integration?

I know I can do most of this by hacking Trac and using Git hooks, but I was wondering if …

git integration version-control bug-tracking
Where is the Oracle Bug Database?

They must have hidden the bug database somewhere. I could not find it with Google. Is the bug database public?

oracle bug-tracking
Capture Window (Alt-Print Screen) of Context Menu

As everyone knows, sometimes developers have to document stuff. Or capture some stuff for filing bug reports. My question is …

windows screenshot bug-tracking screen-capture printscreen
Mantis Bug Tracker - What is default Admin password after fresh installation?

I installed Mantis BT and was redirected to login page after successful installation. It says that default user is 'administrator' …

bug-tracking mantis bug-tracker
Best way to link Redmine issue to SVN revision

We are using Redmine for issue and bug tracking. We added SVN integration but, by doing this, it just shows …

svn bug-tracking redmine
Git and Trac (or similar)

In the past I have really enjoyed using Trac with subversion repositories hosted on some of my own servers. The …

git version-control github bug-tracking
TextView setGravity() doesn't work in java

I'm stuck on a problem and I don't know, what causes it. I have a very simple Layout like this: &…

java android android-layout bug-tracking gravity