Git and Trac (or similar)

Paul Osborne picture Paul Osborne · Mar 8, 2009 · Viewed 29.1k times · Source

In the past I have really enjoyed using Trac with subversion repositories hosted on some of my own servers. The integrated ticketing and online code browsing is very convenient.

I have used github for some of my public projects but I don't have the money to shell out for an extra service, espcially when I am already paying for remote VPS hosting.

Does anyone know of or have any experience setting up something like Trac with git version control? Specifically, I can already push to a remote server but I would like some web interface that allows me (and people working with me) to see that commits and current state of the codebase online without making the project public. I am aware of GitPlugin but have not been able to get it up and running successfully. Any other suggestions?

Integrated ticketing (and wiki) is desired but not an absolute necessity.


After playing around with GitPlugin and Trac a bit more I have been able to get it up and running. The main problem was that I needed to explicitly enable the plugin for the trac environment by doing something like this in trac.ini:

# for version 0.10
gitplugin.* = enabled
# for version 0.11
tracext.git.* = enabled 

I may also try out Redmine and CGit as this seem like other pieces of software that do what I am looking for. Any other suggestions are welcome.


Michael Larocque picture Michael Larocque · Mar 8, 2009

You should take a look at Redmine ( It has all of the features you mention and more. You can host it on your own vps (I do).