Top "Bootstrap-4" questions

Bootstrap 4 is the fourth major version of the popular front-end component library.

Bootstrap cards with 100% height and margin bottom

I am attempting to develop a grid of Bootstrap 4 cards with the following requirements: All cards must sit within one …

css height bootstrap-4 margin bootstrap-grid
Fix Warning "Also define the standard property 'box-shadow' for compatibility"

I use the MDB scroll library, and VSCode shows the following warning: Also define the standard property 'box-shadow' for compatibility …

css visual-studio-code bootstrap-4 mdbootstrap
Bootstrap 4 Dropdown - Disable auto placement caused by popper.js

I'm working with Bootstrap 4 dropdown and there are about 18 dropdown items. Because the height is too much, popper.js automatically …

css twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4 popper.js
Bootstrap 4 - how to make 100% width search input in Navbar?

How to make 100% width of the search input in navbar? The field is limited in width: <nav class="navbar …

css input bootstrap-4 navbar
Bootstrap 4 Safari on Mac Grid issue

There is an issue with Bootstrap 4 and Safari brower on Mac. When using cols inside a row it breaks it, …

safari bootstrap-4 bootstrap-grid
Bootstrap-vue doesn't load CSS

I am writing a Vue.js app with Bootstrap 4 and I can't loaded though I followed the documentation. Added to …

javascript css vue.js bootstrap-4 bootstrap-vue
Unable to override $theme-color in bootstrap

It's bootstrap 4.0 with SASS My style.scss file contains the following code: @import "../bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; @import "colors"; @import "main"; …

twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4 sass bootstrap-5
Bootstrap 4: Display two lines followed by a Read More expandable link

I am following this amazing guide to display two lines of text, and give the user a link to "Read …

html css bootstrap-4 collapsable
How to create scrollable element in Tailwind without a scrollbar

I'm trying to recreate a horizontal scroll navbar with tailwind without a scrollbar on the bottom like this example (reduce …

css bootstrap-4 tailwind-css bootstrap-5
Why is the Bootstrap 4 Navbar always collapsed?

I updated to the v1.0-beta of ng-bootstrap. Now the navbar is always collaped. When I click on the hamburger …

twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4 ng-bootstrap