Top "Collapsable" questions

Pure CSS collapse/expand div

I have a pure CSS collapsable div which is based on someone else's code who uses the :target psuedoclass. What …

css collapsable
jquery.fullPage.js how to enable scroll within a div without affecting the sections scroll

Right, this is not easy to explain... I'm using jquery.fullPage.js for a website. I have a few collapsable …

javascript jquery css collapsable fullpage.js
How can i make a list menu "collapsible"?

i have a menu with 4 main items and each one having 3 to 5 sub items. <ul id="navigation"> <…

javascript html joomla menu collapsable
Jquery Mobile: Dynamically change the text of the header of a collapsible div?

<div data-role="collapsible" data-content-theme="e" id="collapsePlace"> <h3>Place:</h3> <!--things...--> &…

jquery jquery-mobile collapsable
Bootstrap 4: Display two lines followed by a Read More expandable link

I am following this amazing guide to display two lines of text, and give the user a link to "Read …

html css bootstrap-4 collapsable
Bootstrap: Change Color of Panel Heading onClick

Hi I gave myself a crash course in bootstrap last night and I'm having a lot of fun with it. …

html css twitter-bootstrap nav collapsable
jQuery table row expand/collapse

I've got a table and it has rows that are collapsible when clicked on the table heading. Problem is it …

javascript jquery css collapsable
bootstrap 3 mobile collapse fade in and out on toggle

0Is there anyway of replacing the slide down animation on the mobile navbar-collapse to fade in/out when called upon? …

html css twitter-bootstrap navigation collapsable
bootstrap: collapse-group within collapse-group

I've used the example from jsfiddle 68RXP collapse-group to create an expandable div: HTML: <div class="span4 collapse-group"> &…

javascript jquery html twitter-bootstrap collapsable
Visual Studio 2013 C++ outlining / collapsing if/else/while code regions

Apparently in VS13 they removed the outlining section in Option -> Text Editor -> C++ -> Formatting. …

c++ visual-studio-2013 collapsable outlining