Top "Bootstrap-4" questions

Bootstrap 4 is the fourth major version of the popular front-end component library.

Getting bootstrap vue pagination to play with REST api

Trying to get Bootstrap Vue to play with a REST api that returns data for one page and the total …

vue.js bootstrap-4 bootstrap-vue
Remove border color for navbar-toggler Hamburger icon - Bootstrap 4

I've been stuck in this for a long time. Searched and tried many ways to remove the border color for …

html css bootstrap-4 navbar
Can the Bootstrap 4 classes form-inline and float-sm-right not be combined?

HTML: <form class="form-inline float-sm-right"> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search"> <button class="btn …

twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4 text-styling
How to put a responsive Object fit cover, on the image Card from the Boostrap 4?

This css took out the responsive layout of the Cards from the Boostrap 4. How can i put a object-fit: cover; …

css image bootstrap-4 object-fit
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert object to primitive value(zone-evergreen.js:171)

In Angular 9 (using Bootstrap 4 and Jquery 3.5.1). when clicking on bootstrap collapse button, I am getting an error on my browser …

bootstrap-4 angular9
Can I use React Bootstrap with Next.js?

Does anyone know if you can use react-bootstrap with Next.js? I am using the latest versions of both, I …

reactjs bootstrap-4 next.js react-bootstrap
Disable responsive navbar in bootstrap 4

is there a way to disable the responsive navBar in bootstrap 4? I don't want the dropdown as in the mobile …

twitter-bootstrap navbar bootstrap-4 twitter-bootstrap-4
Bootstrap 4 | Collapse other sections when one is expanded

I am working on bootstrap 4 Collapse. Wanted to collapse other sections when one is expanded So far i did is : …

jquery html twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4 collapse
Bootstrap Datetime Picker not working with Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6

We are using Eonasdan Datetime picker. We are migrated to Boostrap 4 Alpha 6 since it comes with lot of improvements over …

bootstrap-datetimepicker bootstrap-4
How to set custom button text color in Bootstrap 4 and Sass?

I would like to create a new button style in Bootstrap 4 with a white (#fff) text color. Mixin button-variant automatically …

twitter-bootstrap sass bootstrap-4 scss-mixins