Top "Boost-variant" questions


Boost Variant: how to get currently held type?

As I understood all types of boost.variant are parsed into real types (meaning as if boost variant<int, …

c++ boost boost-variant
How do boost::variant and boost::any work?

How do variant and any from the boost library work internally? In a project I am working on, I currently …

c++ unions boost-variant boost-any
Boost.Any vs. Boost.Variant

I'm having trouble choosing between Boost.Any and Boost.Variant. When should I use each one? What are the advantages …

c++ boost boost-variant boost-any
boost::variant usage

I am developing GUI application via wxWidgets. It has 2 parts: GUI part and "Logic" part. I want to have Logic …

c++ variant boost-variant
visitor template for boost::variant

I would like to use a boost.variant<T0,T1,T2> as a parameter to a template 'Visitor' …

c++ templates boost variant boost-variant
What is the equivalent of boost::variant in the C++ standard library?

I am looking for an alternative to C-style union. boost::variant is one such option. Is there anything in std …

c++ boost unions variant boost-variant
best way to do variant visitation with lambdas

I want to inline visitation of variant types with lambdas. At the moment i have the following code: struct Foo { …

c++ c++11 lambda visitor boost-variant