Top "Bookmarklet" questions

A bookmarklet is a browser bookmark for a URL using the 'javascript:' protocol.

Find and replace in a webpage using javascript

What I want to do is replace all instances of 'foo' in a webpage with 'bar' in a JS bookmarklet/…

javascript greasemonkey bookmarklet
Add border to images

I'm totally new to JS. I'm trying to make me a bookmarklet that finds all images on a web page …

javascript image bookmarklet
scripting a google docs form submission

I'm trying to create a bookmarklet that parses a page and sends the results to a googledocs spreadsheet via a …

jquery bookmarklet google-docs
Change CSS of selected text using Javascript

I'm trying to make a javascript bookmarklet that will act as a highlighter, changing the background of selected text on …

javascript jquery css bookmarklet highlighting
How can I get the element in which highlighted text is in?

I am trying to learn how to write a bookmarklet where I can highlight some text, click on the bookmarklet …

javascript bookmarklet
Why setTimeout() function runs only once?

I am making a javascript bookmarklet that resizes all images, periodically. javascript: function x(){ for(i=0;i<=document.getElementsByTagName(…

javascript bookmarklet
Copy text to clipboard from bookmarklet

I'm trying to write a little bookmarklet that can extract some text from the active page and load that into …

javascript google-chrome clipboard bookmarklet
Handler for dynamically created DOM nodes as they are inserted

I enjoy running custom scripts on pages that I do not own or control. Many times these pages have dynamically …

javascript jquery dom bookmarklet userscripts
Bookmarklet to edit current URL

I'm looking for a simple bookmarklet to take the current URL of my website and refresh it with a couple …

javascript url bookmarklet
Adding favicon to javascript Bookmarklet (uses

I have a bookmarklet that launches a javascript function to open a small window with my bookmarklet -- …

javascript bookmarklet favicon