Top "Bookmarklet" questions

A bookmarklet is a browser bookmark for a URL using the 'javascript:' protocol.

How to remove 'http://' from a URL in JavaScript

I have run into an odd situation. I'm writing a JavaScript bookmarklet that will allow users to click and share …

javascript regex bookmarklet
JavaScript: Invert color on all elements of a page

Note: I am keeping an up-to-date version of the bookmarklet in my question which works well and is based on …

javascript jquery google-chrome bookmarklet
Reverting CSS style of <input type=submit button to its default style

I'm using a bookmarklet that inserts a script tag into the current web page. This script has some UI and …

css bookmarklet
How to have favicon / icon set when bookmarklet dragged to toolbar?

I've made myself a bookmarklet, and it functions just fine, but when added to a toolbar in Opera or Firefox, …

browser icons bookmarklet favicon
Bookmarklet: Append hidden iframe to page and load url

I have a bookmarklet for resetting my router. I just need to visit and let the page finish loading, then …

javascript html iframe bookmarklet router
Load external JS from bookmarklet?

How can I load an external JavaScript file using a bookmarklet? This would overcome the URL length limitations of IE …

javascript load external bookmarklet
JavaScript bookmarklet to delete all cookies within a given domain

I am testing a web app that writes cookies to and several subfolders within that. I'm looking …

javascript cookies bookmarklet
Get the current url but without the http:// part bookmarklet!

Guys I have a question, hoping you can help me out with this one. I have a bookmarklet; javascript:q=(…

javascript url bookmarklet host
Javascript get selected text from any textinput/textarea on the page

How can get the selected text from a textbox/textarea if I don't know which one active (focused). I am …

javascript bookmarklet
highlight a DOM element on mouse over, like inspect does

We have a bookmarklet, and the user clicks a button and an inspect like highligther needs to kick in. We …

javascript html dom bookmarklet highlight