scripting a google docs form submission

justSteve picture justSteve · Jan 24, 2010 · Viewed 15.8k times · Source

I'm trying to create a bookmarklet that parses a page and sends the results to a googledocs spreadsheet via a form that I've defined.

The relevent bit of the script is:

var form = document.createElement("form");

form.action = "";
form.method = "POST";"ss-form";
form.innerHTML = ["<input id='entry_0' name = 'entry.0.single' value = '" + orderDate + "'/>", "<input name = 'entry.2.single' value = '" + email + "'/>", "<input name = 'entry.3.single' value = '" + customerID + "'/>", ].join("");


// returns:

Nothing is being saved to the form via the bookmarklet - any way to capture google's response in my bookmarklet's code? (fwiw, i've injected jQuery via jQueryify)


Firebug's Net panel isn't hearing any of the activity triggered by the bookmarklet - How about i approach this from goolgle's viewform method instead of formresponse.

The form i'm trying to submit is located at:

How can I go about injecting the script values into that form and then submitting that - again...via script within the bookmarklet that would have been triggered while on the page being parsed?


buckley picture buckley · Jan 24, 2010

if your already using jquery, try submitting the form via ajax ($.ajax). You can setup a success function that will be called when google sends back their response.

alternatively you should be able to use firebug to view the response google sends back.

Specifically I was thinking you could try something like the following:

  url: "",
  data: { formkey: "Fd0SHgwQ3YwSFd5UHZpM1QxMlNOdlE6MA&ifq", "entry.0.single": orderDate, "entry.2.single": email, "entry.3.single": customerID },
  type: "POST",
  dataType: "xml",
  success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
  error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {