Find and replace in a webpage using javascript

Fooby picture Fooby · Jul 20, 2009 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

What I want to do is replace all instances of 'foo' in a webpage with 'bar' in a JS bookmarklet/greasemonkey script. How can I do this? I suppose jQuery works, as there're hacks to include those in both bookmarklets and greasemonkey scripts.


Josh Stodola picture Josh Stodola · Jul 20, 2009

This script iterates through each element in the document and replaces every instance of foo with bar.

The gi modifiers on the regex make it do a global, case-insensitive search.

var els = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for(var i = 0, l = els.length; i < l; i++) {
  var el = els[i];
  el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(/foo/gi, 'bar');

You can target specific tag names by changing the "*" to the tag name of your choice (e.g. "p", "td").