Top "Bitbake" questions

BitBake is a simple tool for the execution of tasks.

bitbake SRC_URI file://

If I have a tarball, helloworld.tar.gz in a local directory, say /home/user/tarballs/, how can I make …

path environment-variables uri yocto bitbake
Cmake with bitbake recipe

I am trying to build an yocto image with my own package. I have OpenCV code on github which uses …

cmake openembedded bitbake
Bitbake error - Nothing RPROVIDES

I would to split and application into multiple packages. Basically I just would like to add an other one which …

packages yocto openembedded bitbake
Tracking variable assignments in bitbake

I'm using bitbake / openembedded, but my recipe fails because some path-variable ends up being not set correctly I think. Specifically …

openembedded bitbake
Bitbake list of targets

thx for reading, I am working in a project where we create a secimage (linux yocto image). I am not …

yocto bitbake
Unable to start bitbake server

I am trying to learn yocto by following the video tutorials on their main website. I installed the poky-rocko-18.0.0 and …

yocto bitbake
How do I write a yocto/bitbake recipe to copy a directory to the target root file system

I have a directory of 'binary' (i.e. not to be compiled) files and just want them to be installed …

directory copy yocto bitbake recipe
Enable systemd services using yocto

Hi this is my layer tree ├── conf │   └── layer.conf ├── COPYING.MIT ├── README └── recipes-hello ├── helloworld │   ├── helloworld-0.1 │   │   ├── helloworld.c │   │   ├── helloworld.patch │   │   └── newhelloworld.…

yocto bitbake
Quick rebuild of device tree only with Yocto/bitbake?

So, each time I modify the device tree I typically change the dts in a custom recipe and rebuild the …

linux-kernel yocto bitbake device-tree
Bitbake not installing my file in the rootfs image

I have created a bitbake recipe that would copy 2 of my files (firmware binaries for VPU) into /lib/firmware/ directory …

yocto bitbake