Top "Recipe" questions

In general terms, a recipe is a set of instructions that describe how to prepare or make something, with respect to computing it's typically used to describe a set of rules used to manage building code.

Should I use include_recipe or add the recipe to run_list?

Trying to figure out the best approach for a large project. When is it appropriate to add recipes within a …

chef-infra recipe chef-recipe
Using a variable inside a Chef recipe

I'm using chef-cookbook-hostname cookbook to setup node's hostname. I don't want my hostname to be hard coded in the attribute …

variables chef-infra recipe
How to use a for loop in make recipe

I would like to use a loop to find some files and rename them: for i in `find $@ -name *_cu.*`;…

shell makefile recipe
How to get a linux command output to chef attribute

I want to get a command output into a chef attribute. Can some one help me how to set that …

ruby chef-infra recipe
How do I write a yocto/bitbake recipe to copy a directory to the target root file system

I have a directory of 'binary' (i.e. not to be compiled) files and just want them to be installed …

directory copy yocto bitbake recipe
Using while in list comprehension or generator expressions

I can use if and for in list comprehensions/generator expressions as list(i for i in range(100) if i*…

python list-comprehension recipe generator-expression
How to add a new library using Yocto

I am using Yocto and I just would like to integrate a new library in my project. I create a …

linux autotools xerces-c recipe yocto
Bitbake: How to list all recipe and append files used in an image?

I'm using OpenEmbedded-Core and have created a custom layer with priority 6. Months of development have gone by, and now I …

yocto recipe bitbake openembedded
Chef - execute vs bash resource

I used both the execute resource or the bash resource. Both achieve the same result: bash 'Execute my script' do …

ruby chef-infra recipe
Yocto recipe : how to install in specific folder

I have created a Yocto recipe for my program. What are the default folders that are building image from recipe ? …

embedded-linux yocto recipe