Top "Bdd" questions

BDD stands for Behavior Driven Development.

How can I check if checkbox is checked with Protractor, CucumberJS and Chai?

How can I check if checkbox is checked with Protractor, CucumberJS and Chai ? var el = 'myCheckbox'; this.expect(element(by.…

javascript protractor bdd chai cucumberjs
SpecFlow Re-usable step definitions

Is there a way to have SpecFlow reuse Step Definitions? In other tools I have used a GivenWhenThen base class …

c# bdd specflow
How to test for exceptions thrown using xUnit, SubSpec and FakeItEasy

I’m using xUnit, SubSpec and FakeItEasy for my unit tests. I’ve so far created some positive unit tests …

c# unit-testing bdd xunit fakeiteasy
How to debug features in Behat 3 with echo

I am trying to debug a feature in Behat 3 to see what is going on. Echo statements don't seem to …

php debugging bdd behat
Using Cucumber.js with Jest

I am using Jest for my unit tests and I'm in the process of integrating Cucumber.js for running specs …

javascript testing bdd jestjs cucumberjs
Given -When-Then example with NUnit

Can anybody point me to some resources for Give-When-Then style of testing with NUnit?

c# nunit bdd nunit-2.5
Unit test and private vars

I'm writing a BDD unit test for a public method. The method changes a private property (private var) so I'd …

unit-testing swift bdd
Gherkin "OR" syntax to reduce repetition with BDD

Does anyone know of a way to achieve this or do they think it's a good idea. To have an …

bdd specflow gherkin
Given When Then Testing - Do I NEED a "When"?

I am implementing some smoke tests to our website. I'm using a Given/When/Then format for existing automated acceptance …

bdd specflow user-stories smoke-testing